Session 1
Approaching the Pathway
As we begin this journey on the Pathway we will look at how God has made Himself known to us through the Bible.

Session 2
The Christ of Christianity
We are going to look at the central character of Christianity, the person of Jesus Christ, His teaching, and the claims He made about Himself.

Session 3
The Gospel
We are going to focus on why Jesus is the hero of the Bible story, and why we call this story ‘the good news’.

Session 4
Responding to the Good News
We are going to look at how we respond to all that Christ has done on our behalf.

Session 5
False Claim Christianity
We are going to look at how NOT to respond to the message of Christ.

Session 6
The Process of Transformation
We are going to look at how God transforms our lives through a loving relationship of grace and truth.
Start the journey.
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